RH 891
(pozri - Hillmann_s)
(pozri - supthutiana) (pozri - Villa
coll.: Ralf Hillmann, Bolívia, dep. Chuquisaca, #, #, (RM, RH: Nor Cinti, Villa Charcas, 3150m)
Aylostera supthutiana....(RH, dat. RM FND, dat. RH seeds 2008-2011)
Rebutia supthutiana.....(hort., dat. SuccSeed 2004)
adnot.: R. Martin, FND 2007 - (dat. A. supthutiana, loc. - Villa Charcas, 3150m); Lokalita na hranici Sud Cinti a Nor Cinti? Znovunájdenie Rauschových rastlín
severne od Culpina.
foto 1.: Mats Winberg, 2004 - www.succseed.com/images/gallery/
(Rebutia supthutiana RH 891);.....V prilohe - Winberg4 @/ reb_supth_rh891.jpg
foto 1.: Mats Winberg, 2016 - www.succseed.com/
(Seeds-Cacti > Rebutia > find article 4093)
(Rebutia supthutiana RH 891) 4093;.....V prilohe -
Winberg16 @/ 1145919-origpic-0ea8de.jpg Comment.: very variable body and
spination, flowers red to orange-red
merc. Hillmann: RH 2008/09, 2009/10, 2010/11 S (A. supthutiana RH 0891, Nor Cinti, Villa Charcas, 3150m);
merc. Fischer: LF 2011 S-316AY (A. supthutiana RH 891 Villa Charcas